Why Does Soil Become Infertile?

Are you devoting valuable time, energy, and money to your lawn or garden only to discover that nothing is actually growing? Do signs show that your soil has become infertile? If that’s the case with your lawn or garden, don’t lose hope. With Weed-A-Way Lawn Care, you can get your soil back in good health and finally achieve the lawn or garden of your dreams. In order to save your soil from infertility, however, you need to know why it became infertile in the first place. So why does soil become infertile?

Why Does Soil Become Infertile?

Soil infertility occurs when there is a physical or chemical problem that impedes its ability to stimulate healthy plant growth. When your soil becomes infertile due to a problem in its physical structure, this limits the plant’s access to water and oxygen. Chemical imbalances in your soil can also disrupt the natural growth of plants.

There are multiple reasons that lead to soil infertility. The soil’s acidity level plays a significant role in fertility. The number of nutrients contained in the soil can also determine whether it will remain fertile or become infertile. Soil structure and soil salinity also play a part in how healthy your soil is.

Acidity Level

Plants grow because they feed off of the nutrients that they receive from the soil. The acidity level of the soil has a direct impact on the ability of plants to absorb these nutrients. As the acidity level of the soil rises, the amount of energy required by plants to absorb key nutrients increases, making it more difficult for the plants to absorb them. When soil is too acidic, plants cannot absorb the nutrients they need, thus rendering the soil infertile and unable to produce growth.

One of the best ways to combat the over-acidity of soil is to apply specialized lime treatment. Our lawn care experts apply horticultural lime treatment to lawns that are suffering from soil acidity. This lime treatment helps to balance soil acidity levels, creating ideal conditions for plant and grass growth. After lime treatment, the result is often a lush, green lawn or garden that thrives year-round.

Nutritional Composition

The nutritional composition of your soil also has a direct impact on its fertility. Plants use three basic elements from the soil to grow. These elements are nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. If your soil lacks the appropriate balance of these elements, plants will not have enough nutrients to grow, resulting in soil infertility. Plants also require iron, zinc, magnesium, and some other elements for growth, so it’s also important that your soil has the correct amounts of these nutrients.

You can make sure that your soil is composed of the perfect balance of key nutrients by using effective fertilizer mixtures such as Weed-A-Way Lawn Care’s Seed and Feed mixture. The Seed and Feed mixture is a combination of grass seeds, organic matter, fertilizers, bonding agents, and water. This mixture creates an ideal environment for germination and can help to transform your lawn or garden in just several weeks.


The way your soil is made up can affect how plant roots access the water and oxygen needed to draw out nutrients from the soil. The structure of the soil impacts how much water and oxygen are available for plant roots. If your soil is made up of large particles, this provides enough room for oxygen but results in the over-drainage of water. On the other hand, if your soil is made up of smaller particles, this prevents water from draining and oxygen from flowing. Finding the right balance is key.

To help your soil have the ideal structure needed to facilitate plant growth, you will need core aeration lawn and garden services. Our knowledgeable lawn technicians provide quick and effective core aeration services that improve the structure of soil so that water, oxygen, and nutrients can reach plant roots. Core aeration also increases water drainage and combats soil compaction.


If there are high levels of salt in your soil, this will prevent plants and grass from absorbing water. This will also eventually ruin the physical structure of your soil. Soil with high salinity levels is often found in areas with natural salt deposits. Using certain chemicals and synthetic fertilizers have also been shown to increase soil salinity, causing the soil to become infertile.

With our Organic Lawn Care Package, you can ensure that your soil remains well-nourished and salinity levels remain balanced. Our Organic Lawn Care Package includes four services of organic fertilizer, three weed control applications, micronutrients, kelp biostimulants, and much more. This highly effective care package can help to revive infertile soil and stimulate plant and grass growth.

Can Infertile Soil Be Revived?

If you feel that your soil is infertile and beyond repair, don’t be disappointed. It is completely possible to help your soil get back to fertility. With a reliable lawn care service, time, and patience, you can revive your infertile soil.

With our wide selection of lawn care treatment services, we can answer the question of why does soil become infertile and help you achieve a lush lawn and thriving garden with fertile and healthy soil. If your soil seems beyond repair, our Starter Package can work wonders for your lawn or garden. Our Starter Lawn Care Package includes three fertilizer services, two weed control applications, and a free Chinch Bug and Grub inspection.

Which Fertilizers Are Best for Infertile Soil?

The type of fertilizer your use on your soil can play a huge role in helping it get back to fertility. We recommend using locally-made fertilizers that are composed of nitrogen and potassium such as the one provided by our lawn care services. Since nitrogen and potassium are two of the three main nutrients that plants need to grow, it’s important to make sure that your fertilizer has these elements.

Eco and organic fertilizers are also very effective in safely restoring soil back to fertility. At Weed-A-Way, we offer an organic fertilizer that is derived from corn and gluten. This fertilizer effectively encourages plant growth and diminishes weeds. Because our fertilizers are natural and organic, they’re safe for children and pets once they’ve dried on the lawn.

How Often Should Soil Be Fertilized?

In order to combat soil infertility, it’s important to fertilize at regular intervals. It’s recommended to fertilize your lawn or garden four times a year. Our eco-friendly fertilizers slowly release nutrients over a one to two month period, helping your soil thrive even after the initial fertilization.

Avoid Soil Infertility

The four main causes of infertile soil are high acidity levels, poor nutritional composition, unfavorable soil structure, and high levels of salinity. The best way to fight against these causes is by using a reliable lawn care service. Weed-A-Way Lawn Care provides lawn services in multiple areas of Ontario, Canada. With our specialized lawn care packages and services, we can help you avoid soil infertility.

Our highly experienced lawn care technicians can also help you revive your infertile soil. Don’t let infertile soil keep you from having the lawn or garden of your dreams. Contact Weed-A-Way Lawn Services today to get your lawn or garden back in good health.

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