Nothing says spring like a vibrant green lawn. It’s wonderful to walk on, look at and the smell of freshly cut grass is wonderful. But what do you do if your lawn isn’t growing? There are a variety of reasons why grass doesn’t grow, but luckily there are also a number of possible solutions to help your grass come alive again.
Benefits of a healthy lawn
Having a healthy lawn goes beyond aesthetics. In addition to being great to look at and walk on, a healthy lawn also offers a plethora of environmental advantages. A thick and healthy lawn helps clean the air much like trees do. It can also trap carbon dioxide, reduce erosion from stormwater runoff and improve soil quality. So, the more your grass grows, the better it is for the planet.
Why isn’t your grass growing, and what should you do about it?
Your lawn may not be growing for any number of reasons, but here are the top three issues homeowners experience:
Inadequate sunlight
We are taught at a young age that the sun is a crucial part to the growth of plants, trees, fruits, and vegetables. Well, grass is on that list as well. Unless the grass you have is shade tolerant, if it doesn’t have the right amount of sunlight (which is roughly at least two hours of direct sunlight a day) it will not grow.
Solution: Have a look at the area(s) that aren’t growing and see if the grass is being shaded by something that can be moved or placed elsewhere. If the shade is from trees, cut down any excess large or dead branches to allow more sunlight to come through to your lawn.
Too much water (or not enough)
Just as with sunlight, water is an integral element of growth with all plant life. But the biggest mistake people make with water and their lawns is actually watering too much or too frequently. Overwatering your lawn will actually cause shallow roots to occur, and will discourage growth.
Solution: Generally, most lawns need around 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. If it’s a week without any precipitation, throw your sprinklers on just long enough for the lawn to catch the one inch of water or so it needs and then leave it alone.
Cutting your grass too short and too often
Everyone likes a well-manicured yard, but over cutting can be harmful to your lawn. Cutting it too short can cause the sun to damage the roots and too much rain to again cause shallow roots. Cutting your grass too often can also cause the roots to go into shock, and the damaged grass can stop growing for upwards of a month. Scalping or overcutting your lawn can also lead to an increased number of weeds and possible diseases.
Solution: Practice good mowing habits. Allow time for your grass to grow, and don’t cut more than 30 percent of the grass blades. Make sure your mower blade is sharp and not set too low. Also, leave grass clippings on your lawn, as this provides added protection to the roots. Plus, a helpful organic matter will break down quickly and give nutrients to your lawn.
If you have any concerns about your lawn and its growth, contact the lawn experts at Weed-A-Way. Our dedicated and knowledgeable staff can help you get a beautiful yard that you and your family can enjoy all year long.