Droughts are an increasingly difficult part of life, and in extreme conditions, they can dramatically affect the health of the people, plants, and animals in a specific area. Your normally healthy lawn is no exception. A severely dry summer can have a lasting impact on your grass, but there are a few ways that you can breathe some life back into your lawn and get it looking green again after being brown and brittle. Here’s how.
Dead vs. dormant
Depending on the length of the drought and the strength of your lawn, your grass may appear to be dead when in fact it is lying dormant. To find out if it is dead or dormant, inspect the grass at the soil level. Grass that is dormant will be brown on top but still green at the base. If your lawn is dead, the blades of grass will have no green colour at all.
Distinguishing between dead and dormant grass will help you to know how to revive your turf.
Water isn’t always the best idea
During droughts, a lot of cities have to impose various water restrictions. Not watering your lawn during these times is an important step to help your city conserve water.
According to The Lawn Institute, not watering your lawn during a drought my help it, too. A lawn that has gone dormant can actually have a better chance of survival if it’s not watered, rather than being watered occasionally.
How to help your lawn during a drought
Even though you may not be able to water your lawn, you can still do a few things to help it out through times of little precipitation.
Use a dethatcher
To help your lawn get as much moisture as possible, occasionally dethatch it.
Thatch is essentially the buildup of organic lawn matter that is dead, such as grass clippings or shredded leaves. Getting rid of this material ensures any moisture your lawn receives goes right into your grass.
Aerate your lawn
Aerating is the act of punching holes in your lawn. Aerating is something that you should do to your lawn anyways, but aerating is a great way to get moisture directly to your lawn’s root system after a drought. At Weed-A-Way, our technicians can aerate your lawn for you in no time at all, so you don’t have to worry about buying or renting aeration equipment.
Don’t stop mowing
Though your grass will eventually stop growing during an extended drought, cutting
roughly one-third of the grass blades will help any moisture get to the lawn’s root system quicker. Keep your mower blades sharp to ensure that the mower is cutting rather than ripping the blades of grass (ripping the grass can damage the roots).
Keep off the grass
Avoid any unnecessary walking or moving of equipment on your lawn. The pressure of these acts can compact the soil, which can make it tougher for your lawn to absorb and retain moisture.
Give a healthy drink
After the drought is over and the water restrictions have been lifted, give your lawn a big drink for the next couple days in the early morning.
A few other ways to help revive your lawn after a drought include fertilizing, keeping on top of removing weeds, and getting back into your normal lawn maintenance routine.
Contact our lawn care experts if you’re looking to maintain a healthy lawn that looks green and vibrant all summer long. With our help, you can get the lawn you want without a huge investment in time.