What You Should Be Doing Right Now to Your Lawn: Top Tips for April Lawn Care

It may seem early, but April is the optimal month for getting your lawn in order and ready for spring and summer. This is the perfect time of year for feeding, weeding, mowing, and pest control. As soon as the snow melts your lawn starts actively growing, so don’t delay your lawn care preparation and maintenance.

Here are our top tips for getting your lawn in great shape for the upcoming season.


From late March to April, use a lawn fertilizer like Weed-A-Way’s Seed and Feed, which is a mix of grass seed, organic matter, fertilizers, bonding agents and water. Follow the instructions for application.

For optimal results, you should apply fertilizers when the soil is moist, or when rain is expected.

Feeding your lawn will not only increase its health, but it will help with the prevention of weeds and pests too.


You can sow a new grass lawn if needed, or use grass seed to repair damaged areas of your lawn. The type of grass you want will determine the grass seed mix that you choose. Consider how heavy the foot traffic in the area will be, and choose a type of grass that is hardier and designed to withstand more wear and tear in high traffic areas.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application. Bare soil should be vigorously raked or pricked over with a fork to loosen the surface. Sprinkle the grass seed over the sifted soil before watering it well.

Signs of germination should appear after one to two weeks, depending on the weather. Do your best to keep cats, rabbits, and birds away from the area by making a barrier with twigs, or adding a layer of netting to cover the grass seed.

April is also a great time to repair any lawn edges that are in need of maintenance.


This is one of the most important maintenance tasks that you can take part in over spring. Mowing your lawn regularly will keep it in good health.

For the initial three or so mowings of the season, your blade should be set higher than usual (about 4 cm or 1.5 in). Reduce this height slightly with each mow, so that by the end of the month your blade’s height is set to about 3 cm or 1.25 in.

Depending on rainfall, you should aim to mow your lawn every one to two weeks. More rain encourages lawn growth, so you may need to mow up to two times per week.  

Weeding and Pest Control

Spring is also the perfect time to rid your garden of any unwanted weeds and pests with some targeted chemicals and weed killers. The type of problem you’re dealing with will determine your approach. Weed-A-Way has excellent grub treatments, surface insect control treatments and weed control regiments that are effective and environmentally sound.

Contact Weed-A-Way today for more lawn maintenance tips, or if you’d simply prefer to leave your lawn care to our team of trained professionals. We offer an array of lawn care packages and can recommend treatments to fix even the most damaged lawns. We specialize in overseeding, weed control and lime treatment.

Whatever your lawn woes, no problem is too big for us to handle. We look forward to hearing from you!

Comments 1

  1. My lawn both front and back is being taken over by clover. Is there any way to get rid of the clover but not damage the existing grass?

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